child of God. wife to my highschool sweetheart. stay at home mommy to two sweet little girls, Karlie (2) and Keniston (born May 2011). photographer. designer. swagger wagon driver. learning to sew. coffee adict. love vintage anything.
I made the decision that I needed a blog when a friend asked me what I did last week and my answer was "I have no clue!" I sat and thought about it, trying to recall something I did, ANYTHING and I came up with nothing. My mind was mush. Granted at the time I was juggling a colicy newborn and a silly toddler but I knew I didn't want to go another day without some sort of record of what is going on in our little family's lives. So "Big K, little k" was born. My husband, Karl, and myself (Kerri) make up the "Big K's"....although don't call me that because big is not something that a girl who just had a baby wants to be called even if big=older not fat. ;) And my two silly baby girls, Karlie and Keniston are my little k's.
I am a college graduate with a Communications degree under my belt. I started a photography business in 2006 and poured my heart, soul and mind into it until I decided I was loosing precious time with my baby girl. So I made the decision to become a SAHM and I never looked back. Best decision ever. I now work a little from home doing graphic design for a few companies. LOVE it because I work at my own pace usually during naptime and at night after the girls are asleep. I don't want to miss out on them growing up. Especially now since we have a new baby around. The first kid is the mess up kid anyways, right?!? Time for a do-over!!
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